Alexis Godey was an early trapper-explorer who first came into California with John C. Fremont. Godey accompanied Fremont on several expeditions into Calif in the 1840’s. They both fought – and were heros in – the Mexican American War and when Fremont got in trouble for his actions following the conflict Godey even went to Washington to help defend Fremont.
Having passed through the San Emigdio Mountains, Fremont decided to buy into the San Emidgio Land Grant and asked Godey to oversee his portion of the Rancho. Having known Edward Beale in the Mexican War, Godey worked with him on the establishment of the Tejon Indian Reservation.
When Mr. Fremont run for President of the United States in 1856, Godey made up ballots in the names of all the Indians at the Reservation, for Fremont, but Fremont lost anyway.
Godey also located his own ranch on the Cuyuma Land Grant next to the San Emigdio Ranch but lost his rights to it when the original grantee challenged him in court.
In his later years Godey moved to Bakersfield. When the circus came to town, the handsome old mountain man tried to pet one of the lions and received a deep scratch. The wound became infected so Godey took the train to Los Angeles to see a doctor but died there as a result of the injury.